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Home > News > Industry News > SEMI and SAE partnering

SEMI and SAE partnering

  • Author:Ella Cai
  • Release on:2017-09-19
The partnership will include information-sharing, presentation opportunities, and branding and exposition opportunities for members from both organizations.

SEMI and SAE are creating forums for raising awareness of the challenges and opportunities in design and manufacturing for the automotive and electronics sectors.

From the electronics manufacturing industry perspective, the smart transportation segment is rich with opportunity to improve the performance and digitalization of vehicles.

SAE says it needs access to SEMI’s Big Data processing capabilities, while SEMI  is looking for new custoners.

‘From large events − including SAE’s annual World Congress Experience and SEMI’s annual SEMICON expositions around the world − to a host of smaller, focused workshops and speaking engagements throughout the year, members will have many opportunities to establish supplier-vendor-customer relationships,’ say the new partners.