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Qualcomm offers biometric patch reference designs

  • Author:Ella Cai
  • Release on:2017-09-28
Qualcomm has  developed reference designs connected, medical-grade biometric patches that will enable intelligent care models ranging from perioperative care to assessing the impact of therapeutic interventions.

Designed to allow health care professionals to monitor patients across the care continuum with access to near real-time data, the patches measure a variety of biometric parameters, including clinical thermometry and sophisticated motion measurements.

Benchmark Electronics will license the reference designs and serve as the device design and manufacturer of record with the US FDA for those sensors.

“This wearable patch technology will be transformative in its ability to provide timely and accurate data to enable care providers to make better-informed decisions.” says Qualcomm’s James Mault, MD, “this low-power, cost-effective, single-use design will fuel new, scalable care models as we transition as an industry from episodic, reactive care to more continuous, proactive, intelligent care.”

Clinical validation is currently underway, and the patches are slated to be commercially available through Benchmark in 2018.

The patches were developed on Qualcomm Life’s 2net Design platform, a reference design platform for electronics modules which power connected medical devices, including disposable drug delivery devices and disposable diagnostic devices.