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Integrated batteries power e-bikes

  • Author:Ella Cai
  • Release on:2017-08-24
The latest trend in electric bike (e-bike) design is the use of integrated batteries built into bicycle frames.

The advantages of integrated batteries include better weight distribution and aesthetic design.

BMZ_Drive_Systems_URV8An example, is the URV8 battery from BMZ Group. This is an integrated battery in an aluminum housing which is removable from the top, bottom, or side.

The battery is built using BMZ Top cells with up to twelve year service life.

The URV8 has a performance peak of 30A, 650Wh, and is available with 36V or 48V rated voltage.

Other examples of integrated batteries from BMZ include the URV7 and URV9 which are down tube batteries with up to 500Wh power.

The URV7 is a semi-integrated down tube battery and the URV9 can beintegrated into the down tube and not removable.

It is especially well suited for long travel bikes, specialised bikes, lightweight construction, and bike fleets / rentals.

BMZ will be exhibiting its integrated batteries at the EuroBike trade fair in Friedrichshafen, Germany.