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Cortex-M4 MCU has 11 FlexComm interfaces

  • Author:Ella Cai
  • Release on:2018-07-12
By including 11 FlexComm interfaces for user interfaces and sensors, NXP has designed its LPC540xx microcontrollers for applications that require data aggregation from multiple inputs “allowing developers to adapt to the communication and connectivity requirements of various IoT, building automation, data collectors and diagnostic equipment.

Inside is a 180MHz Arm Cortex-M4 processor with 360kbyte of ram and a quad SPI flash interface for expanding program memory, which can run on as little as 100µA/MHz.

Also in there, according to Mouser, which is stocking the part, are a Serial Wire Output and ETM Trace for enhanced debug capabilities, and Ethernet support (with audio video bridging), two CAN FD modules, and a TFT LCD controller.

Potential end products include multi-node and multi-protocol communication hubs with graphics display.

For development, Mouser is also stocking the NXP LPCXpresso54018 development board, LPC54018 IoT module, and IoT module baseboard.

The development board supports the MCUXpresso integrated development environment (IDE) and features a standard 10-pin header compatible with third-party debug probes, as well as an Arduino Uno-compatible expansion port.

The IoT module has the microcontroller and a Longsys GT1216 IEEE802.11b/g/n module, and operates stand-alone or plugged into the NXP IoT module base board, whihc adds SDRAM, USB, a touch-screen LCD, stereo audio codec, digital microphone, Ethernet PHY, micro SD and Arduino Uno expansion connectors.