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200mm wafer processing on track for record

  • Author:Ella Cai
  • Release on:2017-07-12
200mm capacity will exceed its 2007 peak in 2020, says SEMI, when a level of 5.7 million 200mm wpm level is expected to be reached.

after the 2007 peak in capacity, 200mm production dropped off sharply following the 2008-9 financial crash which saw 200mm capacity reach its low point in 2009.

Since 2009, however, installed 200mm fab capacity has increased, and by 2020, 200mm capacity is expected to reach almost 5.7 million wpm, and poised to surpass the 2007 peak. By the end of this year, installed capacity will reach close to 5.4 million wpm. 

Driven by mobile and wireless applications, IOT, and automotive, the 200mm market is thriving. 

Many of these products found their niche on 200mm wafers, so companies are expanding capacity in their facilities to the limit, and nine new 200mm facilities are in the pipeline. 

Looking only at IC volume fabs, the report shows 188 fabs in production in 2016 and expanding to 197 fabs by 2021. 

China will add most of the 200mm capacity through 2021 with 34%!growth rate from 2017 to 2021, followed by South East Asia with 29% and the Americas with 12%.