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Upgrade pushes optical module tester to 53Gbaud PAM4

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-09-04
Anritsu has added 53Gbaud PAM4 to its BERTWave MP2110A sampling oscilloscope, through a firmware upgrade.

“As well as featuring both high-sensitivity and high-speed measurements, with this release the MP2110A will now support development and production-line inspection of next-generation QSFP-DD optical transceivers expected to be deployed in data centres,” said the firm.

BERTWave MP2110A is an all-in-one measuring instrument with a built-in multi-channel bit error rate tester (BERT) and sampling oscilloscope, supporting, alongside bit error rate (BER) measurements, eye mask tests, eye pattern analyses, 250ksample/s and low-noise (3.4 μW).

According to the firm, it is flat-rate video streaming and other cloud services that are pusing up network traffic, pushing transmission-equipment interfaces above 100Gbit/s. “New generation 200/400 Gbit Ethernet interfaces start to appear, and use PAM4 instead of the older NRZ technology,” it said. “Although current optical modules such as CFP8s use 26Gbaud PAM4 optical signals, future mass-produced QSFP-DD and OSFP modules will use 53-Gbaud PAM4 optical signals.”

MP2110A measures NRZ as well as PAM4 including TDECQ allowing optical modules to be evaluated across 25 to 400Gbit/s.

53Gbaud analysis function comes with PAM4 signal analysis software option MP2110A-095.