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> 뉴스 > Company News > US cracking down on H-1B visas

US cracking down on H-1B visas

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-06
Silicon Valley’s favourite form of recruitment – the H-1B visa for foreigners – could soon become a less productive source of cheap engineering talent.

Yesterday, the US Department of Homeland Security said it would look more carefully at H-1B applications to “determine whether H-1B dependent employers are evading their obligation to make a good faith effort to recruit U.S. workers.”

The US Justice Department is also getting leery of employers abusing the H-1B process,

“The Justice Department will not tolerate employers misusing the H-1B visa process to discriminate against U.S. workers,” says Tom Wheeler, the acting assistant attorney general at the DOJ’s civil rights division.

Employers have used the system to sack Americans and replace them with cheaper foreign engineers and the new US president wants to stop this.