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> 뉴스 > Company News > Trillium buys CanBusHack

Trillium buys CanBusHack

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-07-31
Trillium, the automotive cybersecurity specialist, has bought auto cyber security company CanBusHack.

“The addition of CanBusHack’s Red Team and penetration testing expertise is a perfect fit for Trillium, and adds to our already robust range of cybersecurity products, services and training capabilities,” says Trillium CEO, David M. Uze, “now, in addition to providing customers with tools and systems to ward off cyber-attacks, we can also help identify weaknesses early to reduce network vulnerabilities prior to commercial system deployment.” 

CanBusHack President and Founder Robert Leale will join Trillium as its Global Consulting Practice Director, and be involved with Trillium’s cybersecurity product development roadmap. He will also assume responsibility for building Trillium’s worldwide capabilities in cybersecurity consulting and penetration testing. 

Leale and his team will proactively work with Trillium’s IoT and automotive customers on an on-going basis to identify and prevent “Zero-Day” exploits. 

“I’m thrilled about this opportunity to join Trillium’s world-class team and contribute to making it the global leader in automotive IoT penetration testing and vehicular cybersecurity consulting,” says Leale.