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> 뉴스 > Company News > Toshiba ponders Chapter 11 for.....

Toshiba ponders Chapter 11 for nuclear unit

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-27
Reuters reports that Toshiba will put its Westinghouse nuclear unit into Chapter 11 and take a $9 billion charge on its losses.

The move would limit future liabilities from the unit.
The Singapore investment fund Effissimo increased its stake in Toshiba to over 8% as shares rose 7.6%.

Toshiba has received interest in the sale of its chip business from many blue-chip chip companies including Micron, TSMC, Foxconn, Western Digital, Hynix and several others.

Toshiba reckons the chip business is worth $13 billion.
The Japanese government has said any purchasers will be examined rigorously.

Goldman Sachs is advising Toshiba on how to cope with the effects of the nuclear unit’s disaster.