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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Toshiba BLE ICs consume 3.3mA .....

Toshiba BLE ICs consume 3.3mA when transmitting

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-06-01
Toshiba is sampling two BLE ICs with enhanced security. The chips -TC3567CFSG and TC3567DFSG – have peak current consumption of  3.3mA at 3V supply when in transmission mode.

For  security  they can acquire a random number with a length of up to 32B, using a random number generator. This function will help to strengthen the protection of information in IoT application.

TC3567CFSG comprises a 128KB Flash ROM for storing user programs and various other forms of data in stand-alone operations, and can execute application programs of up to 50KB in size. Integration of an RF matching circuit and crystal load capacitors for timing purposes help to reduce the external component count for board level designs, with as little as seven peripheral components being required.

As the TC3567DFSG has no built-in Flash ROM it is able to achieve lower power budgets. It can support longer operating times for applications powered by small coin batteries. For example, using a CR2032 type coin battery, this IC can carry out beacon operation for a period of over two years.

The ICs will aid the adoption of Bluetooth LE in IoT products requiring a high level of security.