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> 뉴스 > Company News > Solid-state DIN relay has inte.....

Solid-state DIN relay has integrated heatsink

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-07
Available from Switchtec for industrial high speed switching applications, Kudom’s KSV series solid state relays are DIN rail mountable and come with an integral heatsink, DIN rail mounts and surface mount clip.

“A single part number specifies and purchases a correctly rated and fully kitted out relay ready to install and use,” said Switchtec, which claims 1ms operating time for the KSV series, compared to 15ms for the electro-mechanical relays.

An added benefit of SSRs over electro-mechanical relays is silent switching. “Particularly where many relays are involved in echoey control rooms and in metal cabinets, e-mech relays can be noisy, clicking on and off in applications where frequent switching is required,” said Switchtec.

KSV relays come in four ratings: 10, 20, 30 and 40A, and are suitable for switching loads up to 280Vac or 530Vac, for 240Vac and 480Vac relays respectively.

The data sheet says: “the product offers four control voltage specifications: 4 ~ 32VDC or 90~280VAC”, but then goes on only to specify 4-32Vdc or 90-280Vac, and no other options.

All types are available with zero-crossing turn-on to minimise electrical interference, or random turn-on for fast switching.

10, 20 and 30A types are 81 x 30 x 110mm, and the 40A version measures 120 x 50 x 110mm.

A built in LED indicates ‘on’ when lit.

Operation is over -30 to 80 degrees C ambient.

Applications are foreseen in PLC interfaces and process control, for example in high-low temperature chambers, plastics machinery, incubation machines, oiling machines, lifts, lighting and fountain controllers.