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Samsung to offer foundry customers 28nm FD-SOI embedded MRAM.

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-26
In May Samsung is expected to announce that foundry customers can have embeded MRAM in their SoCs.

Samsung’s MRAM is said to be 1000 times faster than NAND with unlimited endurace and will be offered with Samsung’s 28nm FD-SOI process.

Samsung says that embedding MRAM only takes four mask-steps compared to 20 masks for embedded flash.

MRAM takes up a third of the silicon real estate taken up by SRAM, claims Samsung.

Samsung’s MRAM is Spin-Transfer Torque MRAM – STT-MRAM – which uses the spin of an electron to read and write memory bits. It was invented by IBM 21 years ago.

NXP will be Samsung’s first customer for embedded MRAM SoCs.