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> 뉴스 > Company News > Samsung mass producing 4TB SSD.....

Samsung mass producing 4TB SSD based on 1Tb QLC NAND

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-08-07
Samsung has begun mass producing the industry’s first 4 bit-per-cell (QLC)  4TB SATA SSD for consumers based on 1Tb V-NAND.

The 1Tb 4-bit V-NAND chip also allows the production of  a 128GB memory card for smartphones.

Typically, as data stored within a memory cell increases from three bits to four, the chip capacity per unit area would rise and the electrical charge (used to determine information from a sensor) would decrease by as much as 50%, making it considerably more difficult to maintain a device’s desired performance and speed.

However, Samsung’s 4-bit 4TB QLC SATA SSD maintains its performance levels at the same level as a 3-bit SSD, by using a 3-bit SSD controller and TurboWrite technology, while increasing drive capacity through the use of 32 chips, all based on 64-layer fourth-generation 1Tb V-NAND.

The 4-bit QLC SSD enables a sequential read speed of 540 MB/s and a sequential write speed of 520 MB/s, and comes with a three-year warranty.

Samsung plans to introduce several 4-bit consumer SSDs later this year with 1TB, 2TB, and 4TB capacities in the 2.5-inch form factor.

Samsung also expects to provide M.2 NVMe SSDs for the enterprise this year and begin mass production of 4-bit fifth-generation V-NAND.