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> 뉴스 > Company News > Samsung and China drive fab eq.....

Samsung and China drive fab equipment spend past $55bn

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-09-15
Spending on chip production equipment will grow 37% this year to $55 billion and 5% next year to $58 billion, says SEMI.

The last record spending year was 2011 with $40 billion.

Korea is spending the most this year – $19.5 billion compared to $8.5 billion last year. China is expected to be in second place this year with $12.5 billion.

Double-digit growth is also projected for Americas, Japan, and Europe/Mideast, while other regions growth is projected to remain below 10 percent.

The World Fab Forecast report estimates that Samsung is expected to more than double its fab equipment spending in 2017, to $16-$17 billion, with another $15 billion in spending for 2018.

Other memory companies are also forecast to make major spending increases, accounting for a total of $30 billion in memory-related spending for the year.

Other market segments, such as Foundry ($17.8 billion), MPU ($3 billion), Logic ($1.8 billion), and Discrete with Power and LED ($1.8 billion), will also invest heavily in equipment. These same product segments also dominate spending into 2018.