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> 뉴스 > Company News > ST BCD process delivers compac.....

ST BCD process delivers compact HV pulser

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-08-07
ST has launched a high-voltage, compact transmission pulser solution, built using ST’s  BCD8s-SOI technology that supports analogue (Bipolar), digital (CMOS), and power (DMOS) circuits on the same die.

The STHV1600 targets high-end cart systems and ultra-portable ultrasound equipment, while reinforcing ST’s existing portfolio of 4- and 8-channel pulser transmitters for medical and industrial ultrasound applications.

To assure the smallest size, the STHV1600 transmission (TX) pulser integrates high-resolution beamforming for its 16 independent channels.

Offering the capability to program code excitation allows users to implement high voltage stages and store the patterns in memory.

For maximum flexibility, each channel can support up to five output levels and the output stages can provide up to ±2A peak output current, independent from the high-voltage power-supply pins.

The STHV1600 includes several global blocks including thermal protection for the logic and for each channel, under-voltage protection, and self-biased high-voltage MOSFET gate drivers with internal checks.

Moreover, the IC includes 65 kbits of embedded memory to store pattern-control settings.

The STHV1600 (in a 144-ball 10×10 TFBGA) is in production and currently sampling to lead customers.

An evaluation board for the STHV1600, STEVAL-IME014V1 is currently available to select customers.