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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Peltier Effect beats the heat

Peltier Effect beats the heat

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-07-10
If the heatwave is getting you down and you have $300 to spend there’s a wearable personal cooler on the market called Embr Wave.

Developed by MIT alumni under a Kickstarter programme, Embr Wave can both warm you and cool you.

“It’s a product for people that are too hot or too cold, that offers thermal relief,” says Embr Labs co-founder Sam Shames. “What it does is it heats and cools one spot on your body and helps you improve your comfort, without changing your core temp.”

“It’s kind of similar to cupping your hands around a hot mug of coffee in the winter after you’ve come in from being outside in the cold, or dipping your toes in the ocean on a hot summer day,” says Shames. “So it doesn’t change your core temperature. It does change temperature of your wrist while you wear it, but it’s not so much ‘tricking your senses’ as it is your brain and body naturally responding to temperature change.”

The device exploits the Peltier Effect of an electric current flowing across two conductors. The transfer of energy causes one side to heat up and the other to cool down.

Embr Wave consists of a series of junctions. When attached to your skin it makes you feel cooler by reducing the temperature of your wrist a few fractions of a degree per second for two seconds at a time.

This ‘Wave’ effect is more effective in changing your temperature than a continuous temperature, says Embr.