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> 뉴스 > Company News > Nvidia’s masterpiece

Nvidia’s masterpiece

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-11
Nvidia has produced a 5,000 core GPU delivering 7.5 FP64 Teraflops aimed at running deep learning algorithms.

Called the Volta, the chip measures 815 sq mm and contains 21 billion transistors. It was made on TSMC’s 12nm process.

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang (pictured) called Volta a ‘masterpiece’.

“To make one chip work per 12-inch wafer, I would characterise it as unlikely,” said Huang, ” so the fact that this is manufacturable is an incredible feat.”

The Volta can handle 120 Tensor Teraflops 
for deep learning. It can transfer data at 300 Gb/s.

Nvidia says that, this year, it will train 100,000 developers to use deep learning.

Microsoft is putting together 64 Voltas for an image recognition Deep Residual Network application.