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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Merkel calls for cyber regulat.....

Merkel calls for cyber regulation

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-06-12
At the weekend German Chancellor Angela Merkel calked for regulation for cyberspace.

Merkel envisages the same sort of regulation for digital affairs as we now have for banking under the Basel rules and for trade under the WTO.

Cyber attacks on businesses and governments have the potential to be so destructive that he world needs to agree on common ways to control digital activity.

“On this question of the rules-based handling of it, we’re still right at the start,” said Merkel, ‘we have no international rules.”

The forum for establishing a system of regulation for cyber-activity should be, said Merkel, the G20.

The next G20 summit in July should be the opportunity to develop a digital regulatory framework.