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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Maxim isolator mitigates HV da.....

Maxim isolator mitigates HV dangers

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-08-21
To better protect industrial systems from the dangers of high-voltage signals, equipment designers can now turn to the MAX22445 5kVRMS four-channel reinforced digital isolator from Maxim.

The MAX22445 communicates across the isolation barrier to ensure safe operation of compact industrial, medical and other equipment.

In high-voltage equipment, digital isolators provide signal isolation and level-shifting for proper operation of many circuits, while also protecting users from dangers such as electric shock.

Yet, not all of these isolators are alike as many consume a large amount of power, generate significant heat and introduce large propagation delays, limiting system reliability and throughput.

Overcoming the shortcomings of other digital isolators, the MAX22445 delivers reinforced, dual insulation barrier isolation for fast digital signals.

The IC, which mitigates the dangers of high-voltage power, transfers signals of up to 200Mbps.

It is available in a 16-pin wide-body SOIC package with 8mm of creepage and clearance.