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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Intel plans to double in value.....

Intel plans to double in value by 2021

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-09-18
Intel’s CFO Bob Swan has a plan to double Intel’s market cap to $300 billion and double its eps from $2.21 to $4 by 2021, reports The Oregonian.

Datacentre and memory are the areas which will propel this growth, according to Swan.

The growth in market cap will also be driven by constant cost-cutting.

The plan envisages that Intel’s datacentre business will grow 10% annually till 2021, its memory business will grow 33% annually and its IoT business will grow 13% annually. PC is expected to shrink 1% annually.

These growing sectors will increase Intel’s market cap at a CAGR of 11% over the 2016-2031 period.

Intel’s share proce has grown 22% over the last two years – although the SOX has grown 80% in that time.

Intel expects to continue to cut headcount, last year it lost 15,000 jobs.