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> 뉴스 > Company News > INCJ may join Toshiba bidding

INCJ may join Toshiba bidding

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-18
Earlier today, the chairman of the Japanese government-owned Innovation Network Corp of Japan (INCJ) Toshiyuki Shiga, said that the INCJ is looking at participating in the second round of bidding for Toshiba’s chip unit.

The Japanese government is concerned about Toshiba’s technology leaking to China and the biggest bid in round one is reported to be the $27 billion bid of Hon Hai which has manufacturing plants in China.

Hon Hai’s bid is said to be supported by Apple. Hon Hai gets half its revenues from Apple. To try and influence Japanese government acceptance of its bid, Hon Hai is reported to have asked Softbank of Japan for help. The two CEOs are friends.

INCJ may seek to join any winning bidder as a junior member of  a team bid so that it can act to ensure that Toshiba’s technology is not at risk of leaking to an unapproved company.

China is building 3D NAND fabs in Wuhan and Nanjing and desperately needs process technology for them.