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> 뉴스 > Company News > Harwin invests in US cabling f.....

Harwin invests in US cabling facility for space work

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-12
Harwin has increased investment in its high-relibility cable assembly facility in the US.

Harwin’s cabling facility at Salem, New Hampshire addresses the space and avionics markets with prototyping, and electrical and mechanical testing of both cable and wire harnesses and coaxial cable assemblies.

Harwin%20increases%20investment%20in%20its%20US%20cable%20assembly%20facility%20May%2017These markets are a big focus for Harwin with hi-rel connector ranges, in particular, the 1.25mm pitch Gecko interconnect, which has been specified on multiple programmes from satellites and CubeSats to mission and safety-critical aircraft control systems.

The investment at Salem has resulted in an expanded QA Department, additional training – all of the cable assembly facility’s operators are trained to IPC620 crimping standards – and upgrading of warehouse management systems.

Additional machinery purchased includes extra electrical testing stations, post-potting ovens, and the very latest wire cutting and stripping machinery.