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> 뉴스 > Company News > Fujitsu speeds processing of u.....

Fujitsu speeds processing of unstructured data

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-09-20
Fujitsu has developed a technology that offers both high speed data-processing and high-capacity storage in distributed storage systems, in order to speed up the processing of ever-increasing volumes of data.

This is in response to a growing need in such technologies as AI and machine learning for the analysis and utilization of rapidly growing volumes of data, including unstructured data, such as video and log data.

However, this requires storage systems that can efficiently analyze unstructured data stored in a distributed system, while providing their original storage functionality for data management as well as data processing capabilities.

Fujitsu Laboratories has now developed “Dataffinic Computing,” a technology for distributed storage systems that handles data processing while also fulfilling their original storage function, in order to speed up the processing of large volumes of data.

With this technology, storage systems can process large volumes of data at high speeds, including unstructured data, enabling the efficient utilization of the ever-increasing amounts of data, in such cases as utilizing security camera video, analyzing logs from ICT systems, utilizing sensor data from cars, and analyzing genetic data