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Flexible AMOLEDs to out-sell rigid AMOLEDs this year

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-31
Flexible OLEDS will outsell rigid OLEDS this year, reports IHS, despited the highe cost of flexibles

IHS forecasts Q3 sales for flexible AMOLEDs at $3.2 billion and sales of rigid AMOLEDs at $3 billion.

With many smartphone brands planning to apply flexible AMOLED displays to their high-end product lines, revenues for flexible AMOLED panels are expected to grow over 150% compared to 2016, says IHS.

Rigid AMOLED panels are now mainly used for mid-range smartphones and are forecast to decline 2% in revenues from 2016.

“Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics have launched some flagship smartphones with flexible AMOLED displays since 2013, but they have yet to become mainstream products given there was limited panel supply,” says IHS’ Jerry Kang, “since 2016, however, many more panel makers have focused their efforts on increasing their supply capacity for flexible AMOLED displays. They have also tried to optimize the manufacturing process and designs, making flexible AMOLED display a favored choice for smartphones makers.”

“Currently, the cost to make flexible AMOLED panels is much higher than that of rigid AMOLED, but it is possible that costs will fall below that of rigid panels in the future as manufacturing yield rates improve,” says Kang.