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Feabhas offers graduates free C skills assessment

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-09-22
Writing good code is an important skill for new embedded designers. Graduates can now have their skills in embedded C, C++ or UML assessed for free by software training company Feabhas.

Creating reliable code for C and C++ in embedded applications is not always straight-forward and does require expertise.

Jo Cooling, director at Feabhas writes:

“Languages such as C and C++ lend themselves well to embedded programming, but producing reliable code requires both a detailed knowledge of the language and its application in the embedded environment.

“That’s why we are keen to support employers and recruiters to enable this year’s graduates to become industry-ready as quickly as possible.”

The company is offering C, C++ or UML embedded knowledge assessments requested on or before 31 October and is limited to one free report per company.

“Completing our comprehensive online skills assessment creates a report, which helps to form a picture of the graduate’s individual embedded C, C++ or UML skill levels,” says Cooling. “As a result, you can identify any knowledge gaps and see how the graduate compares against benchmark knowledge levels.”

Individual assessments for non-graduates or additional graduates are also available at a standard charge of £100 + VAT per assessment, and no time limit applies.