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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Fanless industrial PC has Inte.....

Fanless industrial PC has Intel Kaby Lake quad core i7

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-08-29
Logic Supply has introduced a fanless ventless industrial PC with an 8th Generation (Kaby Lake) Intel Core i7 CPU.

It is based around an Intel Dawson Canyon motherboard – one of Intel’s ‘NUC’ small size motherboards, which are 4x4in (~100x100mm).

“ML100G-31 provides a fully solid state, passively cooled computing solution, designed for reliability in demanding environments and measures just 142 x 62 x 107mm, making it the smallest fanless Intel Kaby Lake i7 PC on the market,” claimed Logic Supply.

“Ultimately, we want to provide computer users with the right hardware solution, no matter the job at hand, and an i7 fanless NUC option was a frequent request from our clients,” said the firm’s v-p of products Murat Erdogan. “Our team worked very hard to overcome the thermal management challenges.”

With support from Intel’s thermal design lab, a custom heatsink was created for the NUC717DNBE motherboard and quad-core i7-8650U CPU.

The collaborated with Intel, according to Logic Supply, extended to identify a way to ensure a five year life-cycle from the PC for industrial customers.

Logic-Supply-ML100G-31-fanless-industrial-PC-rearUp to 32Gbyte of memory can be installed with up to 1Tbyte of M.2 storage.

Connectivity includes four USB 3.0 ports, two HDMI ports (supporting dual 4K output) and Gbit LAN, plus an optional COM port for legacy equipment.

Operating system options include Windows and Ubuntu Linux.

The PC is aimed at processing IoT data at the edge of the network – to limit bandwidth needs to the cloud, and improve latency to the task at hand.

Potential applications include: manufacturing, automation, industrial signage, logistics, security and surveillance.

See the PC first at IMTS 2018 in Chicago (10-15 September) at booth 134119 operating a robotic arm and 3D vision system from Robotic Vision Technologies.