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Evaluation boards for USB type-C power delivery

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-07-13
Rohm has announced USB Power Delivery (USBPD) transmitter/receiver evaluation boards.

“USBPD extends the power supply range from the conventional 15W to up to 100W,” said the firm. “This enables larger devices such as laptops and TVs to be powered via USB while contributing to the transformation of infrastructure as the number of USB ports in homes and hotels continues to grow.” 

Type-C Power Delivery connectors and leads are rated at up to 20V and 5A, allowing larger items like laptops and displays to be powered over their USB lead. And, much like Apple’s Lightening connector, the Type-C connector is reversible for convenience. 

Rohm USB C Power DeliveryBM92AxxMWV-EVK-01 series of eval kits use a Rohm USBPD controller chip that supports USB Type-C Rev1.1 and USBPD Rev2.0, said the firm, adding: “Rohm leveraged BiCDMOS processes and circuit technology to develop USB PD controller ICs.” 

The initial launch will six boards, a mix of receiver and transmitter types (see table below) which can be combined to evaluate Power Delivery at different power levels. 

They will be available through distributors including: Chip One Stop, Zaiko Store (Core Staff), and RS Components.