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> 뉴스 > Company News > Electric racers prepare for Me.....

Electric racers prepare for Mexico eGP

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-29
Faraday Future Dragon Racing team is preparing for the fourth leg of the 2017 Formula E championship series this Saturday in Mexico City. Lead driver Jerome D’Ambrosio won the Mexico City ePrix last year.

The course is at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, 2,285m above sea level.

“The team took a technological leap into the future this season with an innovative drive train. Drivers D’Ambrosio and Loic Duval worked out some kinks in the first three outings this season in Hong Kong, Marrakesh and Buenos Aires, tweaking the car to prepare it for the 2.1-kilometer Mexico City course that features 18 tough turns,” said team sponsor Mouser Electronics.

TTI is another sponsor, and Molex and Panasonic are also involved. This is the third year that Mouser has sponsored Formula E. “Mouser’s commitment to technological innovation meshes perfectly with the team’s dedication to taking the lead in electric car technology,” said Mouser v-p business development Todd McAtee. We welcome the opportunity to team up with Molex, Panasonic and TTI.”

Teams all appear to be racing the SRT-01E car – the same car used in the first season. Next years will be completely different.

The French Spark-Renault SRT-01E has a high UK content. It features:

McLaren Electronic Systems power-train and electronics
Dallara carbon fibre and aluminuim monocoque chassis
Williams Advanced Engineering batteries
Hewland five-speed paddle shift sequential gearbox
Michelin wet and dry tires.

0 – 100 km/h (62mph) in 3s
225km/h (150mph) max

After Mexico City, the team travels to Monaco on May 13 and then Paris on May 20. The remaining schedule includes six races in three venues: Berlin on June 10 and 11 (with the latter replacing the scheduled July 1 race in Brussels), New York City on July 15 and 16 and Montreal on July 29 and 30.