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> 뉴스 > Company News > Cypress works with Arrow on Io.....

Cypress works with Arrow on IoT development platform

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-07-04
Cypress Semiconductor has collaborated with distributor Arrow Electronics on a development platform for IoT devices.

Called the Quicksilver kit, it features Cypress’ WICED embedded wireless platform based on its CYW43907 802.11n Wi-Fi microcontroller (MCU).
As well as the WICED Studio SDK the kit has Arduino-compatible headers for expansion capability. The kit includes temperature, humidity and three-axis motion sensors for IoT edge device development. 

Andrew Hunter
Andrew Hunter
Andrew Hunter, senior director of marketing for the IoT business unit at Cypress, writes: 

“Quicksilver brings Wi-Fi connectivity and the power of our all-inclusive WICED Studio SDK to a wide range of customers. 

“We will expand the platform to include 802.11ac high-performance Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, addressing the trend toward integrating both with robust connectivity and multi-protocol coexistence.” 

The kit is slated for release in July 2017, and a second Quicksilver kit is schedules to offer 802.11ac Wi-Fi in the fourth quarter of 2017.
“The strength of Cypress’ IoT portfolio is its combination of low-power wireless and MCU technology that fuels ubiquitous device access and control. Together, Arrow and Cypress will help customers solve power, range and reliability problems in IoT applications,” said Aiden Mitchell, vp of IoT global solutions at Arrow. “Quicksilver allows our customers access to a great development experience.”