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> 뉴스 > Company News > Cryogenic DRAM may be ‘essenti.....

Cryogenic DRAM may be ‘essential’ for future systems, says Rambus

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-19
Rambus and Microsoft are to extend their collaboration on new memory technologies to cryogenic memory.

“With the increasing challenges in conventional approaches to improving memory capacity and power efficiency, our early research indicates that a significant change in the operating temperature of DRAM using cryogenic techniques may become essential in future memory systems,” says Rambus’ Dr. Gary Bronner, “our strategic partnership with Microsoft has enabled us to identify new architectural models as we strive to develop systems utilising cryogenic memory. The expansion of this collaboration will lead to new applications in high-performance super computers (HPC) and quantum computers.”

The technologies being developed by the companies will improve energy efficiency for DRAM and logic operation at cryogenic temperatures, defined by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology as below −180 °C or −292.00 °F or 93.15 K.

Additionally, it will enable high-speed SerDes links to operate efficiently in cryogenic and superconducting domains and allow new memory systems to function at these temperatures.