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> 뉴스 > Company News > Bee-tracking radar

Bee-tracking radar

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-08-15
A harmonic radar that can track bees has been developed by Professor Tsai Zuo-min of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Taiwan’s National Chung Cheng University, reports Digitimes.

A chip, with an antenna as thin as a cicada’s wing, is attached to a bee and, when it receives a radar signal transmitted at a frequency of 9.4GHz returns it on 18.8GHz.

The radar has a range of 900 metres.

thought that the radar will have wide application because there is worldwide concern at the declining number of bees and no one knows the reason.

Years ago, before Electronics Weekly was on the Internet, it reported on bee tracking by UK engineers, at the Royal Radar Research Establishment in Malvern if my memory serves me right. They attached tiny dipoles with a diode in the middle to bees to double the radar’s return frequency, and produced beautiful track of the bees dead-straight flight to and from food sources. One possible application mooted at the time was tracking tsetse flies.