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> 뉴스 > Company News > Alps signs European passives a.....

Alps signs European passives and e-mech deal with TTI

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-01-29
Alps Electric Europe has entered into a pan-European distribution agreement with TTI.

Alps Electric has had a sales presence in Europe with a Germany-based subsidiary since 1979.

It will use the specialist distributor of passives, electromechanical and discrete components to support and expand its European sales.

Alps co-ordinates sales and product engineering from its European head office located in Munich.

It has five further sales offices in Milton Keynes, Dusseldorf, Paris, Gothenburg and Milan. It also has a manufacturing site in Dortmund.

The manufacturer, which has global sales of €6 billion, believes that this distribution deal will “greatly expand and reinforce its presence in the European electronic distribution market, especially in the industrial market.”

TTI will also support Alps in promoting new product releases, such as the latest line of pressure sensors and printers.

Along with its subsidiaries, Mouser Electronics, Sager Electronics, and Symmetry Electronics, TTI employs over 5,400 employees and is represented in over 100 locations throughout North America, Europe and Asia.