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> 뉴스 > Company News > Abbey Road equips new recordin.....

Abbey Road equips new recording studios

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-30
Abbey Road Studios, the most famous recording studios in the world and has been witness to countless landmark recordings from The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Radiohead and Ed Sheeran, is under-going a major transformation.

It is opening two brand new smaller studios designed to cater for  a new generation of artists, as well as a mix stage for film post production.

The mix stage takes Abbey Road’s scoring facility to the next level with complete post production sound mixing capability. This purpose built, state of the art facility is Dolby Atmos Premier Studio Certified and IMAX audio compatible.

As part of the new development Verotec have supplied an initial seven 47U 600 x 600 IMRAK racks that will contain the equipment and patchbays for analogue audio, digital audio, HD video, and data.

Tim Armstrong, Verotec commercial director, writes:

“The IMRAK 1400 is the default choice for many audio applications. In particular, one of its key benefits in recording studios is the fact that the front panels can be mounted flush with the front face of the rack, preserving ground continuity throughout the structure while enabling front patching.”
The racks were supplied in two stages. The first delivery was the bare frames, configured with chassis supports in specified positions. Once the racks had been populated with equipment and the layout finalised, the claddings, power distribution units and thermal management units were then shipped to complete the project.