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> 뉴스 > Company News > ADI buys One Tree Microdevices

ADI buys One Tree Microdevices

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-31
Analog Devices has bought GaAs and GaN amplifier specialist OneTree Microdevices which makes components for CATV and FTTH.

The acquisition means that ADI can deliver the complete signal chain for next-generation cable access networks.

“Analog Devices, in combination with OneTree Microdevices, is uniquely positioned to solve the bandwidth and power efficiency challenges facing cable operators today in their efforts to increase broadband internet services for homes and businesses,” says ADI vp Greg Henderson, “OneTree’s expertise aligns with ADI’s strategic focus on GaN technology and extends ADI’s broad portfolio of high performance, RF and microwave signal chain solutions for infrastructure, defense and instrumentation markets.”

Cable operators are counting on next generation architectures such as DOCSIS 3.1 (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) and Remote PHY to increase the capacity of cable networks.