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> 뉴스 > Company News > ADI and Renesas collaborate on.....

ADI and Renesas collaborate on ADAS sensor demonstrator

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-13
ADI and Renesas are collaborating on a  77/79-GHz RADAR sensor demonstrator for ADAS applications.

The demonstrator combines the RH850/V1R-M MCU from the Renesas autonomy Platform and ADI’s Drive360 28nm CMOS RF-to-bits technology.

It will make driving safer by enabling earlier detection of smaller and faster moving objects at greater distances. It will also lower RADAR system integration efforts and reduce evaluation risks for automotive OEMs and Tier One suppliers.

ADI!s Drive360 28nm CMOS RADAR technology builds on the company’s  ADAS, MEMS, and RADAR automotive portfolio.
Renesas’ Autonomy Platform and RH850/V1R-M RADAR MCU was specifically designed for use in RADAR applications as part of the sustainable and scalable portfolio.

The  MCU includes optimized programmable DSP, dual CPU cores each operating at 320MHz with 2MB of flash and 2 MB internal RAM.