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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Dialog delivers True Wireless .....

Dialog delivers True Wireless Stereo HiFi over BLE

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-09-19
Dialog has developed an implementation of True Wireless Stereo audio over BLE running on its SmartBond SoC’s.

“It’s necessary to have less than 100 microseconds latency between the earbuds to avoid unwanted sound effects and our solution delivers 1 microsecond latency,”said Dialog’s Mark Hopgood in Tegernsee this morning.

The 96kbps- 48kHz sample rate delivers true hifi quality.

“By solving the issues of power consumption and synchronization, we are showing how Bluetooth low energy could address two of the biggest complaints from True Wireless audio users,” says Dialog’s Sean McGrath, “manufacturers would have the ability to deliver True Wireless Stereo audio products that can simultaneously stream HiFi quality audio while delivering long lasting battery life for their products in the consumer and professional wireless audio market.”